Our faculty has published a wide array of research and works included in monographs, journals, and edited book series.
Select Faculty Publications
All Monographs
Gregory Fried. Towards a Polemical Ethics. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2021
Richard Kearney and Melissa Fitzpatrick, Radical Hospitality: From Thought to Action. Fordham University Press, 2021
Richard Kearney. Touch. Columbia Univeristy Press, 2021
Bernauer, S.J., James. Jesuit Kaddish. University of Notre Dame Press, 2020
Kearney, Richard. Imagination Now. Rowman & Littlefield, 2020
McColy, Marina Berzins. Image and Argument in Plato's Republic. SUNY Press, 2020
Johnson, David. Watsuji on Nature. Northwestern University Press, 2019
Sallis, John. Elemental Discourses. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2019
Atkins, Richard Kenneth. Charles S. Peirce’s Phenomenology: Analysis and Consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Kearney, Richard, and Matthew Clemente (eds.). The Art of Anatheism. Reframing Continental Philosophy of Religion. London: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2018.
Kreeft, Peter. Doors in the Walls of the World: Signs of Transcendence in the Human Story. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2018.
Kreeft, Peter. Forty Reasons I Am a Catholic. Manchester, New Hampshire: Sophia Institute Press, 2018.
McKaughan, Daniel J. See Vandewall, Holly, 2018.
Sallis, John. Cao Jun: Hymns to Nature. Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts: McMullen Museum of Art, AV College, 2018.
VandeWall, Holly R., and Daniel J. McKaughan. The History and Philosophy of Science: A Reader. London: Bloomsbury, 2018.
Atkins, Richard Kenneth. and Kathleen A. Hull, (eds.). Peirce on Perception and Reasoning From Icons to Logic. Routledge Studies in American Philosophy. Milton: Taylor and Francis, 2017.
Kreeft, Peter. Between One Faith and Another - Engaging Conversations on the World’s Great Religions. Intervarsity Press, 2017.
Kreeft, Peter. Catholics and Protestants: What Can We Learn from Each Other? San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2017.
Moran, Dermot, and Elisa Magrì (eds.). Empathy, Sociality, and Personhood: Essays on Edith Stein’s Phenomenological Investigations. Contributions to Phenomenology 94. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017.
Sallis, John. Plato’s Statesman: Dialectic, Myth, and Politics. SUNY Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2017.
Atkins, Richard Kenneth. Peirce and the Conduct of Life: Sentiment and Instinct in Ethics and Religion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
Bernauer, James A., and Lawrence A. Tomei, Anthony Moretti (eds.). Developing a Center for Teaching Excellence: A Higher Education Case Study Using the Integrated Readiness Matrix. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2016.
Bloechl, Jeffrey. Levinas Studies: An Annual Review, Volume 10. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 2016.
Kearney, Richard, and Tarek Dika, W. Chris. Hackett (eds.). Quiet Powers of the Possible: Interviews in Contemporary French Phenomenology. New York: Fordham University Press, 2016.
Kearney, Richard, and Jen Zimmermann (eds.). Reimagining the Sacred: Richard Kearney Debates God. Insurrections. New York: Columbia University Press, 2016.
Kreeft, Peter. A Socratic Introduction to Plato’s Republic. South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine’s Press, Inc, 2016.
Kreeft, Peter. How to Be Holy: First Steps in Becoming a Saint: A Festooning of Abandonment to Divine Providence. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2016.
Kreeft, Peter. I Burned for Your Peace: Augustine’s Confessions Unpacked. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2016.
Kreeft, Peter. The Platonic Tradition. South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine’s Press, 2016.
Moran, Dermot. Early Phenomenology. Zeta Books, 2016.
Sallis, John. The Figure of Nature: On Greek Origins. Studies in Continental Thought. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2016.
Sallis, John. The Return of Nature: Coming as If from Nowhere. Studies in Continental Thought. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2016.
Richard Kearney:Carnal Hermeneutics, Fordham University Press, 2015
John Sallis:Senses of Landscape, Northwestern University Press, 2015
Gary Gurtler:Plotinus, Ennead IV.4.30-45& IV.5, Problems Concerning the Soul, Parmenides Publishing, 2015
Richard Atkins:Puzzled?! An Introduction to Philosophizing, Hacket Publishing, 2015
John Sallis:Klee's Mirror,State University of New York Press, 2015
Jonathan Trejo-Mathys:Domination and Global Political Justice: Conceptual, Historical, and Institutional Perspectives,Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy2015
Jeffrey Bloechl:Phenomenology in a New Key: Between Analysis and History. Essays in Honor of Richard Cobb-Stevens, Springer 2015
David Storey:Naturalizing Heidegger: His Confrontation with Nietzche, His Contributions to Environmental Philosophy, SUNY Press, 2015
Gary Gurtler:Ancient and Medieval Concepts of Friendship, SUNY Press, 2014
Andrea Staiti:Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology: Nature, Spirit, and Life(Cambridge University Press: 2014)
James Bernauer and Robert Maryks:"The Tragic Couple" Encounters Between Jews and Jesuits, Brill 2014
John Sallis:Light Traces, Indiana University Press 2014
Richard Kearney:Reimagining the Sacred. NY: Columbia UP, 2013
Marina McCoy:Wounded Heroes: Vulnerability as a Virtue in Greek LIterature and Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013
Thomas Miles:Kierkegaard and Nietzsche on the Best Way of Life: A New Method of Ethics, Palgrave/Macmillan Press, 2013
Sarah Byers:Perception, Sensibility and Moral Motivation in Augustine: A Stoic-Platonic SynthesisCambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012
Richard Kearney:Ana-teismo: Tornare a Dio dopo Dio, Rome: Campo Dei Fiori/Fazi, 2012; “Dieu est Mort, Vive Dieu”,& Paris: NIL editions, 2012
Thomas Miles:Kierkegaard and Nietzsche on the Best Way of Life, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2012
John Sallis:Heidegger und der Sinn der Wahrheit, Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 2012;Logic of Imagination: The Expanse of the Elemental, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2012;Paul Klee: Philosophical Vision. From Nature to Art, Chestnut Hill, MA: McMullen Museum of Art, 2012; ALight Traces, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2012
Eileen Sweeney:Anselm of Canterbury and the Desire for the Word. The Catholic University of America Press, 2012
O. Blanchette:Maurice Blondel: A Philosophical Life. Grand Rapids, MI / Cambridge, UK: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2010
D. Rasmussen (with J. Swindal),Habermas II. Thousand Oaks (CA) - London (UK), 2010
J. Sallis:Einbildungskraft. Der Sinn des Elementaren(trsl. of Force of Imagination, 2000) Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2010
A. Staiti:Geistigkeit, Leben und geschichtliche Welt in der Transzendentalphänomenologie Husserls. Würzburg, Ergon, 2010
Richard Kearney,Anatheism: Returning to God After God. New York, Columbia University Press, 2009
B. Braman,Meaning and Authenticity: Bernard Lonergan and Charles Taylor on the Drama of Authentic Human Existence. Toronto University Press, 2008
J. L. Solère, with L. Brisson and M.-H. Congourdeau, ed.,L'Embryon: Formation et Animation. Antiquité grecque et latine, traditions hébraïques, chrétienne et islamique. Paris, Vrin, 2008
M. McCoy, Plato on theRhetoric of Philosophers and Sophists. Cambridge University Press, 2007
J. Sallis,The Verge of Philosophy. University of Chicago Press, 2007
Søren Kierkegaard,Journals and Notebooks, Volume I: Journals AA-DD. Edited by Vanessa Rumble, Niels Jørgen Cappelørn, et al. Princeton University Press, 2007
R. Kearney:Navigations: Irish Essays 1977-2005. Lilliput Press & Syracuse University Press, 2006. Irish Studies Series.
J. Sallis:Topographies. Indiana University Press, 2006
John P. Manoussakis (ed.):After God:Richard Kearney and the Religious Turn in Continental Philosophy. Fordham University Press, 2006. Perspectives in Continental Philosophy, 49.
John P. Manoussakis & Drew Hyland (eds.):Heidegger and the Greeks: Interpretive Essays. Indiana University Press, 2006. Studies in Continental Thought.
John P. Manoussakis (ed.):St Paul: Between Athens and Jerusalem. The Third International Philosophical Conference Proceedings (Athens, 10-11 of June, 2004). The American College of Greece Press, 2006
E. C. Sweeney:Logic, Theology and Poetry in Boethius, Abelard and Alan of Lille. Words in the Absence of Things. St. Martin’s Press (Palgrave/Macmillan), 2006. The New Middle Ages.
P. H. Byrne (ed.):The Dialogue Between Science and Religion: What We Have Learned from One Another. Scranton University Press, 2005
N. D. Smith & J. P. Taylor (ed.):Descartes and Cartesianism. Cambridge Scholars Press, 2005
J. Sallis:The Gathering of Reason. 2nd ed. State University of New York Press, 2005
J. L. Solère, A. Vasiliu, A. Galonnier (eds.):Alain de Lille, le docteur universel. Philosophie, théologie et littérature au XIIe siècle. Brepols, 2005. Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale, 12.
O. Boulnois, E. Karger, J.-L. Solère, G. Sondag (éds.):Duns Scot à Paris, 1302-2002. Actes du colloque de Paris, 2-4 septembre 2002. Brepols, 2005. Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, 26.
G. Gurtler and J. Cleary (eds.):Proceedings of the AV Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, Volume XX (2004). E.J. Brill, 2005
Alred Denker, John Sallis, et al. (eds.):Heidegger-Jahrbuch II: Heidegger und Nietzsche. Alber Verlag, 2005
J. Bernauer and J. Carrette (eds.):Michel Foucault and Theology: The Politics of Religious Experience. Ashgate, 2004
G. Gurtler and J. Cleary (eds.):Proceedings of the AV Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, Volume XIX (2003). E. J. Brill, 2004
R. Kearney:On Paul Ricoeur: The Owl of Minerva. Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2004. Transcending Boundaries in Philosophy and Theology.
J. Sallis:Platonic Legacies. State University of New York Press, 2004
R. Kearney:Debates in Continental Philosophy: Conversations with Contemporary Thinkers. Fordham University Press, 2004
William J. Richardson: Heidegger:Through Phenomenology to Thought.Preface by Martin Heidegger. Fortieth anniversary edition, with new Author's Preface and Epilogue. Fordham University Press, 2003
O. Blanchette:Ethical Judgment in Health Care: Overcoming the Technological Bias. The AV College Press, 2003
O. Blanchette:Philosophy of Being: A Reconstructive Essay in Metaphysics. Catholic University of America Press, 2003
D. M. Rasmussen and J. Swindal (eds.):Critical Theory: Historical Perspectives. Vol. I. Sage Publications, 2003
D. M. Rasmussen and J. Swindal (eds.):Critical Theory: Theoretical Foundations. Vol. II. Sage Publications, 2003.
D. M. Rasmussen and J. Swindal (eds.):Critical Theory: Ethics and Politics. Vol. III. Sage Publications, 2003
D. M. Rasmussen and J. Swindal (eds.):Critical Theory: The Future of Critical Theory. Vol. IV. Sage Publications, 2003
G. Gurtler and J. Cleary (eds.):Proceedings of the AV Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, Volume XVIII (2002). E. J. Brill, 2003.
J. Sallis:Phenomenology and the Return to Beginnings. 2nd ed. Duquesne University Press, 2002
R. Kearney:Strangers, Gods and Monsters: Interpreting the Other. Routledge, 2002
J. L. Solère & Z. Kaluza (eds.):La Servante et la Consolatrice. La philosophie dans ses rapports avec la théologie au Moyen Âge. Vrin, 2002. Coll. “Textes et Traditions” no 3.
O. Boulnois, J. Schmutz & J.-L. Solère (eds.),Le Contemplateur et les Idées. Modèles de la science divine, du néoplatonisme au XVIIIe siècle. Vrin, 2002. Bibliothèque d’histoire de la philosophie. Nouvelle série.
R. Kearney:Dialogues on Europe. VES MIR Publishers, 2002
J. Sallis:On Translation. Indiana University Press, 2002
D. M. Rasmussen and J. Swindal (eds.):Jürgen Habermas: The Foundations of the Habermas Project. Sage Publications, 2002. The Masters of Sociological Theory.
D. M. Rasmussen and J. Swindal (eds.):Jürgen Habermas: Law and Politics. Sage Publications, 2002. The Masters of Sociological Theory.
D. M. Rasmussen and J. Swindal (eds.):Jürgen Habermas: Ethics. Sage Publications, 2002. The Masters of Sociological Theory.
D. M. Rasmussen and J. Swindal (eds.):Jürgen Habermas: Epistemology and Truth. Sage Publications, 2002. The Masters of Sociological Theory.
G. Gurtler and J. Cleary (eds.):Proceedings of the AV Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, Volume XVII (2001). E. J. Brill, 2002.
O. Blanchette:Philosophical Challenges and Opportunities of Globalization. The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2001
R. Kearney:The God who May Be: A Hermeneutics of Religion. Indiana University Press, 2001. Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion.
G. Gurtler and J. Cleary (eds.):Proceedings of the AV Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, Volume XVI (2000). E. J. Brill, 2001
R. Kearney:On Stories. Routledge, 2001. Thinking in Action.
R. Kearney and D. M. Rasmussen (eds.):Continental Aesthetics: An Anthology, Romanticism to Postmodernism. Blackwell, 2001. Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies.
D. M. Rasmussen (ed.):Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy (AV, MA, 1998), Vol. 11: Social and Political Philosophy. Philosophy Documentation Center, 2001
R. Cobb-Stevens (ed.):Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Vol. 5: Epistemology. Philosophy Documentation Center, 2000.
G. Gurtler and J. Cleary (eds.):Proceedings of the AV Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, Volume XV (1999). E. J. Brill, 2000.
J. Sallis:Force of Imagination: The Sense of the Elemental. Indiana University Press, 2000.
John Russon and John Sallis (eds.):Retracing the Platonic Text. Northwestern University Press, 2000.
John Sallis and Charles Scott (eds.):Interrogating the Tradition: Hermeneutics and the History of Philosophy. State University of New York Press, 2000.
P. H. Byrne, F. G. Lawrence, C. C. Hefling, Jr. (eds.):Bernard Lonergan’s Macroeconomic Dynamics: An Essay in Circulation Analysis. University of Toronto Press, 1999. Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan, 15.
J. J. Cleary (ed.):Traditions of Platonism: Essays in honour of John Dillon. Ashgate, 1999.
G. Gurtler and J. Cleary (eds.):Proceedings of the AV Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, Volume XIV (1998). E. J. Brill, 1999.
J. Sallis:Chorology: On Beginning in Plato's "Timaeus". Indiana University Press, 1999.
R. Kearney:Poetics of Imagining: Modern and Postmodern.Edinburgh University Press, 1998. Revised and enlarged edition.
G. Gurtler and J. Cleary (eds.):Proceedings of the AV Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, Volume XIII (1997). E. J. Brill, 1998.
R. Kearney and M. Dooley (eds.):Questioning Ethics: Contemporary Debates in Philosophy. Routledge, 1998.
J. Sallis:Shades: Of Painting at the Limit. Indiana University Press, 1998.
P. H. Byrne:Analysis and Science in Aristotle. State University of New York Press, 1997.
J. J. Cleary (ed.):The Perennial Tradition of Neoplatonism. Leuven University Press, 1997.
J. Flanagan:Quest for Self Knowledge: An Essay in Lonergan’s Philosophy. University of Toronto Press, 1997.
R. Kearney and G. Lafont:Il Desiderio e Dio. San Paolo, 1997.
R. Kearney:Walking at Sea Level. Hodder and Stoughton, 1997.
R. Kearney (co-ed.):John Toland's Christianity Not Mysterious: Texts. Lilliput Press, 1997.
J. J. Cleary: Aristotle and Mathematics: Aporetic Method in Cosmology and Metaphysics.
Brill, 1995.
J. J. Cleary:Aristotle and Mathematics: Aporetic Method in Cosmology and Metaphysics. Brill, 1995.
J. Sallis:On Translation(Japanese translation by Tatsuya Nishiyama).
Getsuyosha Limited, 2007.
J. Sallis:Force of Imagination: the Sense of the Elemental(German translation by Daniela Vallega-Neu).
Mohr Siebeck Verlag, 2007.
J. Bernauer:Foucault'nun Özgürlük Serüveni(Turkish translation of Michel Foucault's Force of Flight: Toward an Ethics for Thought).
Ayrinti Yayinlari, 2005.
R. Kearney:Strangers, Gods and Monsters(Korean translation).
Kaema Publications, 2004.
R. Kearney:Continental Philosophy in the 20th Century(new paperback edition).
Routledge, 2003. Routledge History of Philosophy.
R. Kearney:Vertellingen(Dutch translation of On Stories).
Routledge, 2002.
R. Kearney:Samuv pad(Czech translation of Sam’s Fall).
Lidove Noviny, 1999.
R. Kearney:La Paradoja Europea Dialogos(Spanish translation of States of Mind: Dialogues with Contemporary Thinkers on the European Mind).
Tusquets Editores, 1998.
R. Cobb-Stevens:Husserl et la philosophie analytique(French translation of Husserl and Analytic Philosophy. Kluwer, 1990).
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1998.
R. Kearney:A la recherche de Raphaëlle(French translation of Walking At Sea Level).
Joëlle Losfeld, Payot, 1998.
R. Kearney:Walking at Sea Level(paperback edition).
Hodder and Stoughton, 1998.
J. Sallis:Espacements -- de la raison et de l'imagination.
Vrin, 1997.
R. Kearney:La Chute de Samuel(French translation of Sam's Fall).
Joëlle Losfeld, 1997.
R. Kearney:A Poética Do Possivel(Portuguese translation of Poétique du Possible).
Institutio Piaget, 1997.
R. Kearney:Sam's Fall(paperback edition).
Hodder and Stoughton, 1997.
R. Kearney:Hra s vodou(Czech translation of Angel of Patrick's Hill).
Anala, 1996.
R. Kearney:Der Sündenfall(German translation of Sam's Fall).
KrügerVerlag, 1996.
Select Journal Publications
Previous Book Series & Journals
Book Series
“Contributions to Phenomenology,” published by Springer, 2007-… (Dermot Moran, Series Co-Editor)
“Figures of the Unconscious,” published by Leuven University Press, 2012-… (Jeff Bloechl, Series Co-Editor)
“International Institute of Hermeneutics Series,” published by Fordham University Press (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
“New Heidegger Research,” published by Roman and Littlefield International (Gregory Fried, Series Co-Editor)
“Perspectives in Continental Philosophy,” published by Fordham University Press, 2006-… (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
“Philosophy and Politics,” published by Springer, 2014-… (David Rasmussen, Series Co-Editor)
“Psychology and the Other,” published by Routledge, 2017-… (David Goodman, Series Editor)
“Series in Continental Thought,” published by Ohio University Press (John Sallis, Member of Advisory Board)
“Studies in Contemporary Phenomenology,” published by Brill (John Sallis, Member of Advisory Board)
“Studies in Continental Thought,” published by Indiana University Press (John Sallis, General Editor)
“Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy,” published by Northwestern University Press (Jeff Bloechl, Member of Editorial Board)
“Tetsugaku Companions to Japanese Philosophy,” published by Springer (David Johnson, Member of Advisory Board)
“Thinking in Action,” published by Routledge and Taylor & Francis, 2001-… (Richard Kearney, Series Co-Editor)
“Thresholds in Philosophy and Theology,” published by University of Notre Dame Press, 2007-… (Jeff Bloechl, Founding Editor and Series Co-Editor)
Translation of “Kierkegaard’s Journals and Notebooks,” published by Princeton University Press (Vanessa Rumble, Member of Editorial Board)
“Varieties of Psychological Discourse,” published by Duquesne University Press (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
“World Philosophies Series (Mimesis International),” published by Fordham University Press (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Advances in the History of Rhetoric, published by Taylor & Francis (Marina McCoy, Member of Editorial Board)
Aesthetic Pathways: A Journal of Phenomenological Aesthetics, published by Bloomsbury (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, published by the American Catholic Philosophical Association (Arthur Madigan, S.J., Editorial Consultant)
Analecta Hermeneutica, published by the International Institute for Hermeneutics (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Ancient Philosophy, published by Mathesis Publications (Arthur Madigan, S.J., Associate Editor)
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, published by John Benjamins (John Sallis, Member of the International Editorial Board)
Comparative and Continental Philosophy, published by Taylor and Francis (John Sallis, Member of Advisory Board)
Continental Philosophy Review, published by Springer (Jeff Bloech, Member of Editorial Board and Book Review Editor)
Critical Horizons, published by Taylor and Francis (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Environmental Philosophy, published by the International Association for Environmental Philosophy (John Sallis, Member of Editorial Board)
dzé, published by the Philosophical Documentation Center (John Sallis, Member of Editorial Board)
Esprit, published by Editions Esprit (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Études Irlandaises, published by Presses Universitaires du Septentrion (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Études phénoménologiques, published by Peeters (John Sallis, Member of Comité de rédaction)
European Journal of Japanese Philosophy, published by Alber (David Johnson, Member of Editorial Board)
Fealsunacht (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Filosofia e Questioni Pubbliche, published by Armando Ed. (David Rasmussen, Member of Editorial Board)
Giornale di Metafisica, published by Editrice Morcelliana (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Global Aesthetic Research, published by Rowman & Littlefield (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, published by The New School for Social Research (Jon Sallis, Consulting Editor)
Heidegger Jahrbuch, published by Verlag Karl Alber (John Sallis, Member of Editorial Board)
Human Studies, published by Nijhoff (David Rasmussen, Associate Editor)
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, published by Springer (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion, published by Springer (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
International Journal of Philosophical Studies, published by Taylor and Francis (Dermot Moran, Founding Editor and Special Issues Editor; Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik, published by Mohr Siebeck (John Sallis, Member of Editorial Board)
Irish Philosophical Journal, published by Philosophy Documentation Center (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Irish Theological Quarterly, published by SAGE (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Journal for the Philosophy of Continental Religion, published by Brill (Richard Kearney, Chair and Member of Editorial Board)
Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology, published by Taylor and Francis (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Journal of Ancient Philosophy, published by Mathesis Publications (John Sallis, Member of Editorial Board)
Journal of Continental Philosophy and Theology, published by Brill (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Journal of Education, Science and Society, published by University of Macerata (David Rasmussen, Member of Editorial Board)
Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy, published by University of Pittsburgh (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Journal of Jesuit Studies, published by Brill (James Bernauer, Member of Advisory Board)
Journal of Phenomenological Aesthetics, published by Taylor and Francis (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, published by Taylor and Francis (John Sallis, Member of Editorial Advisory Board)
Journal of the History of Philosophy, published by John Hopkins University Press (Jean-Luc Solère, Book Review Editor and Member of Board of Directors; Eileen Sweeney, Member of Board of Directors)
Levinas Studies. An Annual Review, published by Duquesne University Press, 2005-… (Jeff Bloechl, Founding Editor and Editor-in-Chief)
Lo Sguardo, published by Gaffi Editore (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
LOGOS, A Journal of Catholic Thought and Opinion, published by University of St. Thomas (Jorge Garcia, Member of Editorial Board)
Metaphilosophy, published by Wiley (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies, published by the Lonergan Institute (Patrick Byrne, Co-Editor)
Philosophy and Social Criticism, published by SAGE (David Rasmussen, Editor-in-Chief; James Bernauer, Member of the Advisory Board; Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Polis, published by Brill (Marina McCoy, Member of Editorial Board)
Proceedings of the AV Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, published by Brill, 1996-… (Gary Gurtler, Co-Editor)
Psychology, published by SCIRP (David Goodman, Member of Editorial Board)
Qualitative Psychology, published by the American Psychological Association (David Goodman, Member of Editorial Board)
Religion and the Arts, published by Brill (David Rasmussen, Member of Editorial Board; Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Research in Phenomenology, published by Brill (John Sallis, Founding Editor)
Revista Filosófica de Coimbra, published by Universidade de Coimbra (John Sallis, Member of Editorial Board)
Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Ricoeur Studies (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Social Imaginaries, published by Zeta Books (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Speculum, published by the Medieval Academy of America, 2015-… (Eileen Sweeney, Philosophy Book Review Editor)
Studia Philosophica Estonica, published by University of Tartu (John Sallis, Member of the Advisory Board)
Studies in American and European Philosophy, published by Penn State Press (John Sallis, Member of Editorial Advisory Board)
Symposium, published by the Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
The Irish Philosophical Society Yearbook, published by the Irish Philosophical Society (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
The Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, published by Whitestone (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
The Owl of Minerva, published by Philosophy Documentation Center (John Sallis, Member of Editorial Board)
Theology Today, published by SAGE (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, published by Peeters (Jeff Bloech, Member of Editorial Board)
Visual Art Practice, published by Taylor and Francis (Richard Kearney, Member of Editorial Board)