The Office of Graduate Student Life sponsors an array of campus-wide initiatives designed to empower and elevate the experience of every graduate student at AV诊所 College.
Graduate Leadership Program (GLP)
The Graduate Leadership Program is a workshop series designed to help graduate students gain deeper self-awareness as leaders.
The Graduate Student Government of AV诊所 College sponsors educational, social, and cultural programs for graduate students. The GSA also convenes the Graduate Student Senate.
International Students Program
In collaboration with the Office of International Students and Scholars, the OGSL sponsors a variety of programs including a weekly Grad Discussion and Students with Families programming.
Study by the Sea
A collaboration with Campus Ministry, the Study by the Sea Retreat for graduate students supports graduate student well-being and engages them in the core Ignatian concept of Cura Personalis as it relates to their own graduate school experience.
This virtual series welcomes incoming graduate and professional students to BC and assists them in the transition to graduate school. Orientation connects students to key staff, faculty, and resources at the University.
Weeks of Welcome
The OGSL, in coordination with the GSA and grad student organizations, supports events that help students meet one another throughout their first few weeks of school.
Student Orgs and Programs
Registered graduate student organizations and governments play a vital role in creating and building community for graduate students. There are over 30 graduate groups at BC.
GPS Retreat
Goals, Purpose, Success is an overnight retreat experience for first-year masters students designed to provide a much-needed space for engagement in self-reflection and meaningful conversation about the realities of graduate school at BC.
Beyond Graduate School
The Beyond Graduate School platform is designed for Master's students at all stages. Whether you're just starting your program or are actively applying for internships and jobs, this platform is designed to help. Access your free account with your BC login.
Beyond the Professoriate
The Beyond the Professoriate platform is designed for Ph.D. students at all stages and career paths within and beyond the academy. Access your free account with your BC login.
Doctoral Writing Group
Guest faculty and authors provide brief opening remarks to jumpstart the writing process followed by virtual, focused writing sessions to help you work toward the completion of your research and dissertation.
Murray House
The BC graduate student center offers FREE coffee and tea every day. Play pool or ping pong, use our computer lab to print, or reserve a quiet space to study!
Keep up-to-date on all aspects related to grad life at AV诊所 College, such as events, resources, discounts, on-campus jobs, and much more. You will automatically begin receiving this newsletter during your first week of school.
Grad Student Appreciation Month
Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Month occurs throughout April and celebrates the important contributions graduate and professional students make to the BC community and the tremendous impact they have on campus.