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I say this because I’ve been part of this change. When the clergy sexual abuse scandal broke by the AVеяЫљ Globe in January 2001, I went to Father Geoghan’s trial and that began my specialization in religion reporting. I say specialty because not all reporters at WBUR have beats. I am a general assignments reporter. But my coverage of religion—primarily the Catholic Church—over the past few years has touched on social issues, business issues and faith issues. I would say actually that I’ve done less on the faith part of religion and more about social and business. I think that up until 5 years ago reporters were concerned about the social costs of religion stories—religion, especially the Catholic religion, was not critically covered by the media. Do I have personal concerns covering religion? As a reporter I often worried—Would I offend anyone, how will a predominately Catholic audience react to a story that’s critical of the church? But the clergy abuse scandal blew the lid off that and since then probably most of my reporting has been on bad management in the church—church closings and vigils, school closing and Catholic Charities getting out of adoptions because of same sex couples. None of these stories have made the church as an institution look good…but I’ve always tried to include in my reporting how it’s affecting people’s faith. That’s what I find interesting and human about religion stories. Honestly we haven’t taken a hard look at other religions and sexual abuse because we don’t have the staff and the news has centered on the Catholic Church. As for my background, I was raised Catholic, studied Islam in Kenya did a research paper on Ramadan while fasting. I married a Jew…so I feel lucky to have a personal understanding of several religions. I have also reported overseas from Kenya, Brazil and Kosovo. In Brazil Catholicism was a big story so I covered religion to some extent. One thing that surprises me covering religion is that many people ask me what my religion is. When covering other subjects, education or health care, not one asks me if I went to public or private school? Or whether I have Blue Cross or Tufts. I think people believe that what religion you were raised will somehow affect your reporting. FURTHER QUESTIONS: Did the Catholic Church pressure my reporting? No, they just offered me and every other journalist very little cooperation so it was hard to tell the story in a fair way. Some of my stories had more tape and context from lawyers for alleged sexual abuse victims, because the church often didn’t respond. Other countries – When I was in Kenya you couldn’t question much, not the government and certainly not religion. I didn’t focus much on religion as I was covering the entire region, but I know stories criticizing religion wouldn’t have gone over well. I believe we do not need a law against critiquing religion. This would be contrary to free speech. What is the difference between radio and print reporting? Radio is more intimate; settings for religion tend to sound the same, mass or other ceremony, and I always need to set my story somewhere, so this can be difficult. [This document can be found online at www.bc.edu/boisi.] 'рŽ‚БДЦN.ієєєє65:CJ\aJ '<fЄГТпр‡ˆС Т  Ž   lmn‚ВД§јёхххйхййззззззззззззззз $ЄЄx[$\$a$ $ЄЄ[$\$a$$ЄИa$$a$.§Дѓєѕ.§§§§§§ 1hАа/ Ар=!А "А # $ %А i8@ёџ8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH F@2F Heading 3ЄdЄd@&[$\$5CJ\aJ<A@ђџЁ< Default Paragraph Font0>@ђ0 Title $Є@a$CJaJ.џџџџ'<fЄГТпр‡ˆСТŽ  l m n  ‚ В Д   ѓ є ѕ 0˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€(0€€(0€€(0€€(0€€(0€€(0€€(0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€. 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