Political Science Faculty

Peter Skerry


Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture University of Virginia

Contributing Editor, American Purpose; Senior Editor, Society


Peter Skerry is professor of political science at AVCollege and a Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at theUniversity of Virginia. He is also a contributing editor at American Purpose and a member of the editorialboard of Society. He waspreviously professor of political science at Claremont McKenna College, andtaught political science at UCLA, where he was Director of Washington Programsat the Center for American Politics and Public Policy. He is currently on the Research and ProgramsCommittee of the Board of Directors of the Pioneer Institute in AV. He previously served on the board of theUnited Neighborhood Organization (UNO), a Chicago-based Latino communityorganization and charter school operator.

He was also Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and aResearch Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. He served as co-convenor of the Brookings-Duke Immigration Policy Roundtable, and as co-director of theDialogue on Islam in America at the American Enterprise Institute. He was a member of the Malta Forum, adialogue between Western and Muslim public intellectuals convened by theInstitute for American Values. He servedon the Advisory Council on European/Transatlantic Issues at the Heinrich Böll Foundationof the Bündis 90/Die Grünen (the German Green Party). He has been awarded residential fellowshipsat the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the American Academyin Berlin, and the Russell Sage Foundation.

Professor Skerry has published ina variety of scholarly and general interest publications, including Society, Publius, Journal of PolicyHistory, The Forum, The New Republic, Slate, The Public Interest, The WilsonQuarterly, National Review, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, National Affairs, the ±Standard, First Things, Foreign Affairs, The American Interest, and American Purpose.

He is author of Countingon the Census: Race, Group Identity, and the Evasion of Politics (Brookings) and MexicanAmericans: The Ambivalent Minority (Free Press/Harvard University Press),which was awarded the Los Angeles Times Book Prize. He is currently completing a study of Muslimsin the United States, From theBrotherhood to the Neighborhood: Muslims in American Society and Politics.