Faculty Directory

Erika Sabbath

Associate Professor

Select Publications

Sabbath, E.L., Arora, K.S., Buchbinder, M. (2024). Supporting OB-GYNs in abortion-restrictive states—A playbook for institutions. JAMA 2024;332(8):613–614.

Sabbath, E.L., McKetchnie, S.M., Arora, K.A., Buchbinder, M. (2024). US Obstetrician-Gynecologists' Perceived Impacts of Post–Dobbs v Jackson State Abortion Bans. JAMA Network Open. 2024;7(1):e2352109.

Sabbath, E.L., Lovejoy, M.C., Schneider, D.K., DeHorn, G., Diaz-Linhart, Y., Peters, S.E. (2024; in press). Engaging low-wage workers in health and wellbeing survey research: Strategies from five occupational studies. American Journal of Public Health.

Buchbinder, M., Arora, K.S., McKetchnie, S.M., Sabbath, E.L. (2024). Drivers of moral distress among obstetrician-gynecologists after Dobbs: A qualitative, multi-state study. SSM-Qualitative Research in Health 6 (December 2024): 100483.

Sabbath, E.L., Willis, M., Wesselink, A., Wang, T., Hatch, E.E., Wise, L.A. (2024). Association between job control and fecundability in a preconception cohort. Fertility and Sterility 2024 Mar;121(3):497-505.

Sabbath, E.L., Pan, Y., McTernan, M.L., Peters, S.E., Lovett, S.M., Stelson, E.A., Wagner, G.R., Hopcia, K., Boden, L.I. (2024). Adding injury to insult: Unfair treatment at work and occupational injury among hospital patient-care workers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine Jul;67(7):667-676.

Stelson, E.A, Sabbath-Clayton, L.L., Berkman, L.F., Kubzansky, L.A., Sorensen, G., Sabbath, E.L. (2022). Worker health and client care in residential addiction treatment: Identifying the role of social context. Social Science & Medicine 2022 Dec:314:115462.

Select Grants

Mental health and work-related wellbeing of U.S. obstetrician-gynecologists in a shifting policy climate
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, R01 OH012664 (2024-2027)
Role: MPI (with Mara Buchbinder)

Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health Center for Work, Health, and Well-being
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, U19 OH008861 (2021-2026)
Roles: Center Co-Director and MPI (with Glorian Sorensen)
Principal investigator, AVÕïËù Hospital Workers Health Study
MPI, Planning and Evaluation Core
Co-PI, Older Workers Health and Wellbeing Study

Moral distress among obstetrician-gynecologists in the post-Roe era
The Greenwall Foundation (2023-2024)